I'm working on a rather secret project right now that will be revealed soon - it's for Noblesse Largesse's current documentation-required swap. The hint I will give is that the object I've made is for a culture influenced by Byzantine culture, and the object is something shiny.
There will be photos - I promise.
I'm also working through a couple ideas for a Norse banner for my barony, as well as a couple of plans for Knowne World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium in Bjornsborg, and one more big project for Queen's Prize in Calontir that I'm exploring.
A year or so after I had joined the Society, I became enamored with iconography, specifically Byzantine and Rus icons. Since many of Byzantium's icons were destroyed in the 8th and 9th century, and the few dozen that still exist are at St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, there's not a lot of information but what we do have is a handful of icons painted using encaustic paints.
Encaustic painting is painting with pigmented wax, hardened with resin, and applied to a porous substrate (such as wood). There's a breadth of styles, from rather primitive and almost in a modern chibi style to a naturalistic and realistic style. It'll take some more investigating, but it certainly looks like fun.